Blank canvas

Artist RavindraMhatre

Oct 06, 1967 - March 13, 2014

Ravindra Vishnu Mhatre, the founder of Rashmita Art,

was a distinguished artist renowned for his exceptional talent and ​profound contributions to the world of fine art. His legacy lives on ​through Rashmita Art, where his vision and passion continue to ​inspire creativity and beauty in the realm of art and design.

Ceiling Painting in the Galleria Borghese
Modern oasis watecolor flower

Our Offerings

Original Artwork

Custom Portraits

Oil Paintings

Graphic Design

Modern oasis leaf
Beautiful oil painting of Judith and Holofernes - Holofernes speaks in Judith's ear
fruit composition painted with oil paint

Graced by Ravindra Mhatre's Blessings,

our successful brands stand testament to his legacy


Ancient Roman Wall  Painting
Modern oasis leaf
Modern oasis leaf

Contact Us

+91 8975356061

Modern oasis leaf